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All of us at Miller Show Goats would like to say, "Thanks for dropping by our web". 

At Miller Show Goats, our doe herd has a fundamental purpose, to raise show wethers.  Most or our does are high percentage Boer does but we have a good number of full bloods, also.   The underlying characteristic is not their percentage but their high quality for producing show wethers.  We demand structural correctness, muscle, and eye appeal without sacrificing the maternal characteristics that make for an excellent replacement doe.  

Our first full blood boer buck was a New Zealand buck purchased from Charles Turner here in Dublin.  Since that time, we have crossed with sons or grandsons of Ubora, Sasquatch, Tabu, Yabu, CNR Pistolero, Spinner, Old Yellar, TLB M154, 139N Bingo, NK M93, TLB Jack, and TLB Ripper.  We currently have five very nice herd sires on our does.  In September 2008, we purchased TH X8067 an own son of Glynn Hutto's buck Festus over a Trueheart bred doe.  In 2009, we purchased TH X9091 an own son of Glyn Hutto's V 55 buck over the same Trueheart dam of TH  X8067.  We lost TH X 9091 but not before we raised a tremendous son from him we call Engine 55.  He is out of an own daughter of CBC Freightrain.   We kept the best son born out of TH X8067 in 2009, SCL Millers 06Y IT'S WETHERTIME, whose Dam is strong on Ryals and EGGS breeding.  We purchased a son of Powell/Holman's Tequila in 2010 that we call Mucho Tequila, thick and powerful.  In 2011 we added a new buck, Man O Man, that we think is really special, a grandson of Kelly's Curly from Kenneth Helms.   We then added two bucks in 2012.  A Man's Man, a son of Man O Man, out of an own daughter of Freightrain.  Total Package was a grandson of of the Schafer/Helms buck G 191, a son of Schafer's A90, and out of the best doe of our best line, of wether producing does.   In 2014, we added What A Steel, from Norman Kohls, a NK Zeus son.  His progeny immediately started topping our auction.  In 2015, we purchased semen from the Chronic buck that is a son of the clone from the 2013 Grand Champion Wether at the Fort Worth Stock Show.  We only had one buck born from that semen but we are tickled with him.  He was easily named when a visitor came by and said, "That's A Buck".   He should be with Chronic on top and one of the very best dams on the place.  She ran with the boys on the show circuit earning lots of points.   Take a look at our Sires page and see and read about this great battery of Wether Sires.

We have had excellent success that builds each year!  Reports are still coming in but goats we sold are of the high quality it takes to make the sale at Houston and San Antonio as well as winning many Grand and Reserves at county shows.   We expect even better results this year!   

We would love to show you our goats almost anytime!  If you want to come Sunday morning, Levi's and Wranglers are acceptable attire at our country church.  Right after the preacher's through, we'll have the rest of the day to look at and talk about one of our favorite subjects, show goats.

The Millers